LAB 3 I am writing a Lab 3 for my course SPO600. This Lab is about the Math and Strings in 6502 assembly language. This lab was about the graphical output using bitmap screen, text input using keyboard, and text output. Requirements for this lab was to write a program which should work in 6502 emulator. This program should output on character screen as well as on bitmap screen. User input from keyboard is mandatory for this lab in some form. For this lab I thought to make a Number Guessing game. A simple game in which a random number is generated. User will guess the number using hit and trial method. When user will be enter smaller number or larger number than the guess, system will notify the user. By doing this in this game user has to guess the number in shortest number of attempts. I decided to make this game simple by choosing to guess number between 0-9, only. The user can only input a one digit number. User can use backspace to edit the number enter...